Tuesday 29 January 2013

Back 2 Skool

Recently I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to do with myself when the kids have grown up and are going to school. I've been thinking I might go and help out at their school or a local school but the more I look into this the more I realise every mum wants to do this because of the hours and convenience. Plus when I do want to go back into work, I think I will struggle to get a job when I've been out of work for the best part of ten years.

So after chatting to the other half about this I've been thinking about Adult Education. My interests are in Advertising, Marketing and as Daniel put it - people. So I've thinking about Psychology with a view to linking into to marketing. I'm not sure how that will work yet but I think I'll be studying mostly in the evening when the kids are in bed. Its only supposed to require 8-10 hours a week so it sounds quite gentle and should be manageable  If I choose to do the degree I will have to find more hours but I will cross that bridge when I come to it!

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